Forenoon prayer or known as Dhuha prayer is the sunnah that we can practice and do it everyday. What is Dhuha prayer?
Sunnah prayer done in the morning that consisting of 2 rakaat at least.
When we can do Dhuha prayer? The time of Dhuha prayer is from the time when the sun has risen to a certain height until just before the time of Zuhr prayer. The specific time is 10 a.m until before zuhr prayer. How we want to do the Dhuha Prayer? Just a simple way.
1. First Rakaat:
✿ The intention is "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat Dhuha 2 rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala"
✿ Read Al-fatihah
✿ The most beautiful Surah is As-syam (but you always can read the another surah)
2. Second Rakaat
✿ Read Alfatihah
✿ Read Surah Ad-Dhuha for the best surah and still you can read the another surah
✿ 'Tahiyyat Akhir' & Give Regards ..
3. Du'a
✿ Please Allah bless us .. Feel easy to doing our work without any hardship✿ There are du'a that specifies in Dhuha prayer:
If you feel hard to remember this Du'a, don't worry there is a song from UNIC with the beautiful meaning |
I'm still trying to istiqamah doing the Dhuha prayer till now. Please pray for me and I hope that 'you' that read my entry are doing the same thing. Let's Jannah be our GOAL! The power of Dhuha is really owesome because what Allah want to show us is when we are doing the sunnah things, it will help you later. Believe in Allah, Allah knows best for us.
Before I end my entry for today, please Readers, silent readers or anyone.. Please pray for my health.. Don't forget to quote my name in your Du'a..Thanks a lot, dear..
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